Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Kebobrokan Demokrasi Malaysia 'Terserlah'?

Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah di blog saya. Saya menghargai perkongsian pendapat dan cerita di blog ini.

Sebagai anak Perak, jauh di sudut hati, tentulah ada rasa gelisah, sedih, geram dan kecewa yang bercampur aduk apabila mengenangkan keadaan politik negeri ini yang terumbang-ambing.

Sejak peristiwa lompat parti, diikuti pelantikan MB baru tanpa mengikut kewajaran, tentulah memberi impak kepada rakyat negeri ini amnya. Orang Melayu berpecah kepada dua golongan, yang menyokong Datuk Dr Zambry, dan satu lagi menyokong Datuk Seri Nizar. Pada hemat aku yang kecil ini, sokongan orang bukan Melayu terhadap Barisan Nasional di Perak nampaknya seakan-akan terhakis.

Anda tidak percaya? Cubalah bersembang dengan mana-mana India, atau Cina, di Perak rata-ratanya meluahkan rasa kecewa kerana pemimpin terlalu memikirkan soal politik sehingga mengetepikan masalah ekonomi yang makin menjerut.

Apa pula pandangan masyarakat luar Malaysia. Bacalah petikan Al-Jazeera, dan buatlah kesimpulan sendiri.

Scuffles at Malaysia parliament

Ousted chief minister Mohammad Nizar insists he is the legitimate head of Perak's government [Reuters]

Scuffles have broken out outside a state parliament in northern Malaysia after riot police and supporters of Malaysia's ruling coalition blocked members of the country's opposition from entering the building.

The incident took place on Tuesday as about 100 members of the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (People's Alliance) tried to enter parliament in the town of Ipoh in the northern state of Perak.

A group of 28 opposition legislators accompanied by their supporters had been trying to hold an emergency session of the assembly but found their way blocked by a makeshift fence and dozens of riot police.

"Go back!" several government supporters shouted as pushing and shoving broke out between the rival groups.

Both the governing and opposition coalitions claim they have the right to rule Perak, which has been embroiled in a tense political and constitutional crisis since January.

The state has had no function government following the defections of several opposition legislators in January.

'Double standards'

Police did not intervene, but stepped in to push back the opposition supporters when they approached the makeshift fence.

"This is utter rubbish. Elected representatives are not allowed to go inside," A Sivanesan, an opposition legislator, told the Associated Press.

"It is not in accordance with the law. The police [are] practicing double standards."

The crisis in Perak highlights the growing uncertainty in Malaysian politics after the ruling party suffered its worst ever election loss last year.

In the March 8 national polls, the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition lost control of four states including Perak, as well as its long-standing two-thirds majority in parliament, conceding a large number of seats to the opposition.


Last month opposition legislators protested after claiming the state sultan had acted unconstitutionally in appointing Zambry Abdul Kadir, a BN member, as chief minister without waiting for a vote of confidence in the state assembly.

Following the sultan's endorsement, V Sivakumar, the state parliament's speaker and a member of the opposition coalition, suspended the legislature.

He later called for opposition members to gather for an emergency session – a move seen as symbolic rather than having any real prospect of returning the opposition to power.

After being blocked from entering the state parliament the opposition legislators retreated to a side street where they held the emergency session in the open air.

The meeting unanimously passed a resolution of confidence in the ousted government led by Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin.

"We are the rightful government ... Now the state has two chief ministers, one that is legal, one that is absolutely illegal," he said.

"The crisis must be solved ... through the dissolution of the state assembly."


  1. yop
    kalau diambil kira 10 lelaki yg berjalan - comfirm 7 tdk kata YA pada BN.
    tapi bila pilihanraya MENANG juga....

    apa yg berlalu di perak hari - kalau mahu dinilai dari sudut akademik amat2 memalukan.
    congakan mudah.kuasa.
    ceritanya amat mudah.
    bubar DUN - selesai.

    tapi dengan apa yg berlaku hari ini - orang yg kerja noreh pun boleh buat tafsiran....
    apatah lagi kita yop...........

  2. Betul Encik Cikgu..Demokrasi Malaysia sangat teruk. Jadi marilah kita kembali kepada sistem Islam sebenar. Pasti bahagia dunia akhirat.

  3. Saya yang bukan anak Perak pun sedih, Cikgu. Pemimpin sepatutnya memikirkan masalah ekonomi daripada masalah perebutan kuasa. Adalah baik jika pilihan raya diadakan semula agar rakyat dapat menentukan kerajaan pilihan mereka. Berterusan begini tak dapat selesaikan masalah. Saya yakin rakyat Perak matang dan tahu siapa yang terbaik bagi mereka. BN atau PR biarlah rakyat Perak yang menentukannya. Orang luar tak patut campur tangan.

  4. Bro Jinggo,...Betul..

    Ibnurashidi, saya setuju..

    Puterabumi,.. rakyat terhimpit dek tekanan ekonomi, pemimpin sibuk rampas kuasa di sana sini..

    Setuju dengan tuan, bior rakyat Perak tentukan... Tapi siapa yang nak dengor????????


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